Anthony RITA

Learn & Experience


About me

Hi, I'm Anthony. I'm learning web development and currently live in France. I started to learn development in 2018, i made two training and a great experience, a pool, at 42 school in Lyon

See my CV


I realise a many projects in this training, learn new coding methods like the Oriented Object in php, but also Javascript, the Json format, the asynchrone with fetch method and more. Even in design with a new way to compile the CSS with SASS or new library for testing style.
42 pool
42 pool
A challenge i wanted to try since 2 years. It brings me a lot in one intense mounth of coding, like the autonomy in information's research, the importance of the collaboration in peer to peer. But also a good methodology in my work ,improved my coding logic and a lot of new notion in developpement with the C language.
Dev Web Greta
Dev Web Greta
It was my first training in web developement. I discovered a lot of notion in programming like the algorith, the programming language PHP and SQL for communicate with database. I also improved my skill on basic language, I started to use collaborative tool like Github. I realise an e-commerce store with WooCommerce on WordPress for a weding company.
I started developement in 2018 with basic language like HTML and CSS.